About Blueprint Tax Partners

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate.

Between managing the everyday grind, designing growth strategies, and trying to have a little time left over for fun, studying tax code is the last thing you want to be doing.

That’s why we create streamlined tax strategies that give our clients the mental clarity they need to do their best work.

Founded by

Chad Huebsch

I have always been drawn to math because it just made sense. My love of logic and numbers led to an interest in finance and computers, eventually leading me to choose accounting as my career path. As a tax advisor, I want my clients to have peace of mind knowing that they are not overpaying their taxes.

Meet the Team

Trusted by business owners all over the world.

Are You Looking for Hidden Deductions?

Get Our FREE Deductions Guide: The Tax Smart Business Owner’s Guide to the Top 10 Most Missed Tax Deductions

You’ll learn about deductions even some tax professionals overlook!